Chichester Osteopathic Centre Team
BSc Hons Ost, AMICO
Registered Osteopath & Practice Principal
email: zena@zenahewettosteopathy.co.uk
Hello! I’m Zena HewettI established the osteopathic practice in Chichester in 2007 after graduating from a five-year Osteopathy degree with The College Of Osteopaths in London, and have been practising in the Chichester area ever since. I have also previously spent time working as an associate Osteopath in Southbourne GP surgery, and as a long-term locum for a large practice in Fareham and Petersfield.One of the joys of my day to day practice is definitely the variety of people and health issues that I see. No two people can ever be the same, even if they have the same ‘named condition’, the impacts of their own personal life-story on, and in, their body will be different, and therefore the route to be taken for optimal health will be different too.
I treat people of all ages with the span of ages of patients that I have treated being…a little girl just two whole days old to a wonderful gentleman aged 99 3/4! And I am just as happy to help with the weird and wonderful, puzzling, complex long-term issues as I am the acute, sudden injury, but I do enjoy a puzzle!
Having undertaken post graduate studies in the Classical Osteopathy approach with the internationally renowned, Institute of Classical Osteopathy and the British Institute of Osteopathy, my approach is a global, constitutional way to health. This has greatly enhanced the way that I treat and the results that can be achieved.
My previous career has included Sports Therapy and massage, and prior to that, the veterinary world, so luckily my patients do not scratch or bite me anymore, although I still get poo-ed on by the odd baby!